Author: Kyle Walker

One of the most popular ways to bankroll your business is to take out a loan and the two most common types of loans applied for by small businesses are commercial loans and government-backed or SBA loans. While business lines of credit and merchant cash advances are not loans in the strictest sense of the word, they are also valid funding options to consider

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Starting a business without the legal requirements into consideration can be a slippery slope. The steps of pursuing legal obligations can be convoluted and overwhelming. But for a company to be successful and to thrive in a competitive market, compliance with these legal obligations is crucial. The worst-case scenarios of not pursuing them are getting punched with fines and lawsuits, which can drag your business’s reputation and drive you out of business.

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As an entrepreneur, you would be making an astounding number of decisions every day. Asking yourself questions like “what would be my business start up cost?” or “What would be the running cost of my business?” Needless to say, all of these questions are gut-wrenching.

Although there are no miracle equations, one of the essential constituents of starting a business – is the initial investment. The cost breakdown is not as convoluted as it sounds; here is a simple guide for you to begin with

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You decide to start your own business, but don’t know what to do and what figures will accompany your business project: don’t worry! We present you with strategic business plans for 2020. Here are the best typical examples of plans for small businesses and not only for that. But also for any kind of business

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A business loan is a money borrowed from a bank or a money lending organization to raise capital for a startup.
Some businesses take out loans so they could cover the salaries and wages of their staff until the company takes off. Other companies use the business bank loan to buy office supplies, inventory, or projects.

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A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. It is never about when you get there, it is about how you get there. The journey of any startup has always been an interesting yet inspiring story. The challenges like venture capital funding and the small wins are just but a tip of the iceberg, before reaching any destination.

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